
President's Day Weekend

We had a good long weekend. We let Mckall have 3 of her friends over for a sleep over and let me tell you 3 teen girls is enough! On Sunday we went to dinner at Bo and Cass's house and Bo made the best lasagna I have ever had (thanks bo). Then we brought Cody home with us to Mason's delight and on the drive home the two of them discovered the mystery to the Bermuda Triangle and proceeded to tell me all about it. They have figured out that they are geniuses and will also be rich when they tell the government. Cody said "Aunt Heather, do you know the phone number to the government?" It was so funny. Shane and I laughed our butts off. Then when I told him I didn't he assured Mason that it was ok because their Nanna works for the FBI and he's sure she'll know the number to the government. Our boys are two peas in a pod when they get together. I just love that they're so close. I envision them life long friends and Mason going to Cody's mission farewell and then homecoming and then Cody seeing Mason off and home on his mission. I just love thinking about it.

On Monday we all went bowling and ate pizza and fries and meet Juls and her kids too. It sure was a great weekend.

1 comment:

crayz said...

Bo, where did you learn to make lasagna? I am supposed to be the best lasagna maker in the world but looks like I have been replaced. Oh well, taught you well looks like. Love you all mom